Neurodivergent Relationship Counseling In Seattle

Neurodiversity-Affirming Therapy to Helping You Create Fulfilling Connections

Personalized Relationship Counseling for Neurodivergent Adults

We embrace and celebrate neurotype of each partner(s), focusing on leveraging your unique capabilities to enhance mutual understanding and empowerment within your relationships. Honoring your autonomy every step of the way, we dedicate ourselves to helping you and your partner(s) navigate social complexities, manage environmental sensitivities, and overcome relational challenges born from societal norms. Our approach is not only to acknowledge but to harness the strengths that neurodivergence brings to interpersonal connections.

We strive to reshape the broader view of neurodivergence, working towards a society that is more accepting and inclusive. At the heart of our services is a dedication to improving your relational skills, resulting in more rewarding and supportive connections. It is our firm belief that enriching, supportive relationships are something every individual deserves, whether it's within your family, circle of friends, or amongst colleagues. We're here to guide you as you relearn and reshape your relationships in a way that aligns with your authentic self. Book your appointment today. Connect with us, and we will help you connect better with those you love.

Personalized Relationship Counseling for Neurodivergent Adults

Could you be feeling this way?

Struggle for Autonomy: Do you ever feel like you're constantly grappling with societal expectations or familial roles, within your relationships, hindering your ability to explore personal autonomy? Fear, guilt, or concern over disappointing others can often overshadow your own aspirations, and build resentment in relationships..

Blurred Boundaries: Distinguishing where your needs end and another’s begin can be a daunting task. You may find yourself overextending in your effort to meet others' needs in relationships, neglecting your own self-care. Experiencing emotional overwhelm, you might even absorb others’ problems and emotions as your own.

Past Experiences: Past traumas or challenging experiences can often show up in unexpected ways in relationships. Unresolved issues can trigger feelings of vulnerability, mistrust, or pose obstacles in forging meaningful connections.

Communication Challenges: Articulating your needs can feel like an uphill battle for one or all people in relationships. You might think, "Why don't they just understand what I need?" Ultimately, you may find your efforts to communicate leading to misunderstandings or conflicts, challenging the feelings of stability in relationships. Emotions, needs, or contributions might seemingly go unnoticed or unvalidated, leading to feelings of abandonment or disconnection

The Benefits of Neurodiversity-Affirming Relationship Counseling

We believe that a relationship where one or more partners are neurodivergent shouldn't be seen as a hardship but as an opportunity for a distinct, fulfilling connection.

Embracing Diversity

We help you and your partner see the beauty in your differences, fostering an environment of acceptance and respect. Our approach ensures the validation of your unique experiences, helping you appreciate each other's perspectives.

Social Challenges

Whether it's dealing with misunderstandings, social cues, or sensory sensitivities, our therapists are trained to guide you in facing these challenges, turning them into opportunities for growth and deeper understanding in your relationships.

Communication Skills

We focus on building open, honest, and effective communication channels, considering the unique ways neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals interpret and express emotions and thoughts.


Our therapy goes beyond the traditional approaches, ensuring that neurodivergence isn't just accommodated, but celebrated. Your relationships will grown when you gain more understanding of each other.

Building Stronger Bonds

Our therapy aims at strengthening your connections, helping you understand, appreciate, and celebrate each other's neurodivergence. Learning what you each need gives you the opportunity to support each other in meaningful ways.


The Neurodivergent /Neurotypical Relationship Dynamic

Navigating a relationship where one person is neurodivergent and the other is neurotypical can be a unique experience filled with its own set of challenges and rewards. It's like two different worlds coming together, each with its own unique perspective, strengths, and challenges. Understanding and navigating this interplay can be a challenging venture, but that's why we are here to guide you.

Here's where our relationship counseling can help:

  • Create Understanding: We provide a platform where both partners can understand each other's world better. We offer strategies to navigate communication, emotional expression, sensory sensitivities, and social interactions.

  • Exploring Each Other's Strengths: Not everything is a challenge! Being in this unique relationship dynamic can encourage growth and understanding in ways you wouldn't imagine. We help you explore and appreciate each other's unique strengths.

  • Co-creating a Structured Environment: We work with you to build an environment that works for both partners, considering the unique needs of both the neurodivergent and neurotypical individual.

  • Foster Acceptance: We guide you towards accepting each other's unique neurotypes and embracing the diversity it brings into the relationship.

  • Setting Boundaries: We work with you to establish healthy boundaries that respect and honor both partners' distinct needs.

While there can be challenges in a neurodivergent and neurotypical relationships, there is also great potential for growth, learning, and deep connection. It's about understanding and accepting each other's neurotype and learning to speak each other’s ‘language’. With our guidance, we can help make this journey easier and much more enjoyable, resulting in a richer, deeper connection between you and your partner.


The Neurodivergent /Neurodivergent Relationship Dynamic

Just as we've explored the dynamic of a relationship between a neurotypical and a neurodivergent individual, it's important to delve into the unique experiences when both partners in a relationship are neurodivergent. Because, hey, we know no two neurodivergent people are alike!

Here are some key areas that our counseling can address:

  • Understanding Each Other: We provide a platform where both partners can dive deeper into understanding each other's unique neurodivergent experiences. Often, even when both partners are neurodivergent, their experiences may vary greatly. We’re here to help you navigate this.

  • Celebrating the Depth of Connection: The shared understanding and unique connection that can form in neurodivergent-neurodivergent relationships can be a beautiful experience. We help you recognize, honor, and celebrate this connection in all its depth and richness.

  • Navigating Sensory Sensitivities: Sensory sensitivities could be twice as challenging, or maybe twice as understood, in a relationship where both partners are neurodivergent. We are here to provide strategies and solutions.

  • Building a Supportive Environment: We work with you to build an environment that caters to your unique needs, making your world more comfortable for both of you.

  • Addressing Miscommunication: We help nip miscommunication in the bud and foster a greater understanding of your individual communication styles.

A neurodivergent-neurodivergent relationship can be an immersive experience where shared difficulties can foster empathy and understanding. It’s about celebrating being different together, and we’re here to guide you in making the most of this enriching journey.

How Can Therapy Help You Build Better Relationships?

Hope, Understanding, and Growth

Improving Communication

Whether it's expressing your feelings, understanding your partner's perspective, or resolving conflicts amicably, solid communication is the bedrock of any relationship. A therapist can help you improve your communication skills and build healthier interaction patterns.

Navigating Life Changes

Major life events can place additional stress on relationships. Whether it's a big move, a career shift, or the birth of a child, counseling can provide the much-needed support during these transitional periods.

Resolving Recurring Issues

If you're stuck in a loop of recurring arguments or tensions, it's often a sign of deeper underlying issues. A counselor can help you identify these issues and work on them constructively.

Building a Stronger Bond

If you feel like the spark is dwindling, or you've fallen into a rut, counseling can help rekindle the warmth and reaffirm your connection. It's not just about fixing problems, but also about amplifying what's already working well in your relationship.

Dealing with Old Hurts

Therapy can help you face and heal from difficult life events so that you can prevent challenges in your current relationships. By healing old wounds, you can start fresh and live in the moment without holding back.

Support with Neurodiversity

If you or your partner are neurodivergent, you might experience unique challenges that 'neurotypical' counseling might not fully address. With our expertise in neurodivergent counseling, we support you in embracing your unique neurotype, whilst also strengthening your relationship.

Background of green plants

Take The Next Step

Experience The Excitement of Wonderful Relationships

Our relationship counseling embraces and honors the distinct experiences of neurodivergent individuals. We concentrate on recognizing and exalting your talents, promoting personal agency, and nurturing an affirmative self-identity within the dynamic of your relationships. Our role extends beyond mere observers; we actively engage to bolster your relational well-being and enhance your life’s journey together.

Whether you're seeking couples therapy, friendship counseling, or business partner counseling, our doors are open to you. We offer in-person sessions as well as online therapy for those throughout Washington who prefer the comfort of their own space.

Offering online and in-person therapy in Washington.

Your Specialized Therapists


Specializing in grief, anxiety, and neurodiversity-affirming therapy for late and self diagnosed ADHD and Autistic adults.

Learn more about Sam!

Are you wanting to lean more about relationships?
Here are some helpful resources.

Nedra Glover Tawwab's book "Drama Free" talks about the challenges families face and how they can shape us.

Every family has its ups and downs. Some families support us, making us feel strong and confident. But others might bring hurt, stress, and lots of arguments. This book, written by an expert therapist, helps readers understand and handle tricky family issues. It talks about problems like parents who might not be around or who struggle with addiction, family members dealing with mental health, and the pain of feeling ignored or unloved. Nedra Glover Tawwab offers advice on breaking free from these tough patterns. If you're looking to better understand your family and find peace in your own life, this book can be your guide. Click on the image to buy your copy!

"Emotionally Immature Parents" by Lindsay Gibson sheds light on the tough issues some face with parents who aren't emotionally grown-up.

Do you ever feel overlooked or misunderstood by your parents? Gibson, a seasoned clinical psychologist, dives deep into the pain caused by emotionally distant parents. Discover healing paths, learn to better manage interactions with them, and pave the way for healthier relationships in your life. Click on the image to buy your copy!

Boundaries can be life-changing. In "Set Boundaries, Find Peace," therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab offers a transformative guide to establishing and maintaining boundaries in all areas of life.

Dive deep into understanding the significance of personal limits and learn how setting them can lead to real peace and well-being. From relationships to self-care, Tawwab's insights empower readers to advocate for their needs confidently. Click on the image to buy your copy!

Navigating polyamorous relationships can be complex. "Polysecure" by Jessica Fern delves deep into the realm of attachment theory, shedding light on how to build security and connection within non-monogamous relationships.

This book that offers insights and strategies for those seeking stability amidst the unique challenges of polyamory. Whether you're exploring or deeply rooted in poly relationships, Fern's expert guidance paves the way for deeper understanding and lasting bonds. Click on the image to buy your copy!